Hi, I’m Robyn.

My journey might look a lot like yours.

Have you been labeled as a “mystery patient”?

Have you been given the run-around that your labs are “normal” while you’re obviously suffering?

Have you been prescribed medications for symptoms without an explanation as to why you have this condition in the first place?

Are you so sensitive to foods and chemicals that you feel isolated, like your friends or family simply can’t relate?

Does your condition show up on your skin and keep you from doing the things you love with confidence?

Do you want to find more natural solutions but feel overwhelmed by the options and need help boiling it down?

Do you want to feel safe, heard, supported, and not rushed in health appointments?

Girl, me too. You’ve landed in the right place.

My name is Robyn. I am a coach, world traveler, weekend warrior, and self-described dream-weaver. I whole-heartedly believe our bodies’ default is to be well, and when it’s not, that’s its way of letting us know that it needs a little help. I believe our chronic conditions can be our superpowers. Mine shows up loud and clear on my skin.

Discover my 1-on-1 coaching program.

I was my first client.

Starting in childhood and well into adulthood, I was the girl frequently in medical facilities, plagued with symptoms that confused both my family and my doctors. I experienced a wide range of things from OCD, debilitating stomach pain, heavy and painful periods, biweekly stroke-like migraines, PCOS, chemical and food sensitivities, anxiety, vertigo, high fasting insulin, mold toxicity, insomnia, brain fog, and throughout it all, every type of acne showing up on my skin from hormonal, fungal, bacterial, you name it. All the while thinking I was “doing everything right” and being told my bloodwork and scans were “normal”.

It was always scary, frustrating, and isolating. I gained the reputation as the “healthiest” person in my family and friend groups, but my skin never reflected that. There were days I had to give myself a pep-talk before going to the grocery store because of the severity of my cystic acne. I walked around on-edge, carrying medications in my pockets, waiting for the next migraine to hit. Lacking the concrete answers I was looking for, I began to do my own research, fueled by my unwavering curiosity, hope, and perseverance which landed me in the path of root-cause and lifestyle medicine. As my health improved, so did my drive to go back to school for Functional Medicine Health Coaching, and be able to share the tools and resources to help others on their journeys, too.

Sometimes, we can be doing “all the right things” but what we’re missing is a third party to help us uncover our blind spots, patterns, and blockages to finally clear the path to healing.

Today, I can proudly say, I’ve never felt so free, at peace, and in control of my body than I do today. Now, with my National Board Certification, and experience in an autoimmune practice, I have both the empathy and knowledge to guide and advocate for women, just like you, to feel this way as well. What I love most is connecting with my clients to determine what will work best for each person in their unique lives, and making health less overwhelming and more attainable and sustainable. Because it’s all about spending less time in the doctor's office and more time enjoying your life! I know how satisfying it is to pull yourself out of the depths of despair by your own bootstraps, and a little guidance. Now I am thrilled to be the support for others that I always wished I had.

Fun Facts

  • I own a machete to open coconuts.

  • I grew up riding in rodeos on a women’s mounted horseback drill team.

  • I collect jars for bulk goods, my husband would say “too many”.

  • I once spent almost a month living with nomadic Mongolians.

  • When not coaching, you can find me yelling “hey bear” somewhere in the mountains of Montana.

Let’s find out if I can help you.

With one-on-one coaching, you can expect:

  • Compassionate support, an ally

  • Education around conditions and causes

  • Access to helpful tools and resources

  • Easy and sustainable plans co-created with you, for you

  • A sense of empowerment over your health

  • Less time spent in the doctors office, and more time doing the things that light you up.

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